Run In Style

Run In Style

Run In Style | MYB Supps Newsletter

How do I run in style? Running with style is easy... trust me. Running with style isn't about how you look or how fast you are. It's just about the movement and the journey. "Style" should be in quotations because it is different for all of us. For me style is about making sure I am having fun and exploring new places with some cool and fresh gear. For you it might be making sure to run 3 days per week. Whatever your "style" is, it will always be stylish. So today we are going to go over ways that will help you be a better runner, help you move faster and stronger on the roads and trails, and way to utilize your gear and what gear you may want to add to your running arsenal to increase your personal running style!

Running Tips. Our tips and tricks to help you get faster and stronger out on the road and trails while still running with style. MYB Supps

Tip 1 Check your form  Chest proud, shoulders relaxed, core engaged to avoid rotating at the waist, and striking with the center/ball of your foot to avoid heel striking preventing injury. Tip 2 Find a partner  Having a running partner will help keep your form in check and allow you to properly pace your runs. It also if fun to share the road or trail and have company on long runs. Tip 3 Take it slow  Whether you are a pro or its your first run make sure to take it slow. Slow runs help you check your form, improve endurance, and allow your body to adapt. Tip 4 Have some fun  Sometimes we forget what this is all about, moving our bodies, and having fun. So on your next run, smile, enjoy the beautiful world around you, and have some fun. MYB Supps

95/5 | If you have 100 things going on in life and 95 of them are great, why do we let the 5 ruin everything great? Don't let the small things control your life. Look at all the good around you and remember that life can be hard but there is so much love and good around us. MYB Supps

How much does running gear matter? Depends on the gear. While technically all you need for your next run is a pair of shoes, having the right gear matters for safety and of course style. In the wise words of Deion Sanders, "you look good, you play good".  First, having proper gear prevents injury and illness. Shoes are the important one here. Having shoes that fit your feet and that have the right support is very important. I ran for years thinking this didn't matter until I tore tendons in my ankle due to lack of support. So find your local running store and have them find the right shoes and insoles for you.  There is other gear that can be important as well. Hydration gear, especially for long runs is vital. Hydration packs or water bottle holders should be in everyones closet. Also having water proof running gloves, proper supplements, breathable rain jackets, comfortable breathable socks, and emergency safety gear for my trail runners  is a must.

MYB Run In Style Running Gear Picks. Learn our favorite brands that we use when we hit the roads and trails. MYB Supps 95/5 1722

MYB Supps Newsletter. Shoes. Nike & Salomon. Whether you are on the trail or road these brands are our go to's. Nike for the road and Salomon for the trail is my top pick but mix and match as you please. Nutrition. MYB Supps & Spring Energy  For energy MYB Supps is the only brand that provides actual and proper energy for runners. And until MYB releases their own nutrition, Spring Energy is our top pick for calories on your run. Clothing. Nike, Nathan, & Craft  These brands will provide you with high quality, breathable, and durable clothing whether your are trail running in the summer heat or road running in a blizzard. Hydration. Nathan & Salomon  Both Nathan and Salomon provide high quality hydration packs and other solutions and give a great price range to fit anyones wallet.

Move Your Body. The basic need for staying healthy. Here at MYB we believe that through movement we can optimize our health, challenge ourselves, and to enjoy and live life to the fullest. Mason Wright & Gabe Farmer Founders of MYB Supps.